Tuesday, October 27, 2020

100,000th Hit - Dave's Midwestern Ohio Memories

Series of Guest Blogs by an out-of-state Fish Report reader originally from this area about fond memories of growing up in Midwestern Ohio during the 50’s & 60’s 

100,000 Hits 

For over 5 years, I’ve enjoyed writing this weekly blog and today, a milestone was reached when the blog received its 100,000th hit. Not exactly “going viral”, but a milestone regardless. As regular readers know, the subject matter for my blogs can be about anything and everything; however, typically the topic originates from a decades-old memory of some sort that gets spurred by a recent occurrence of related kind. 

Sports is the predominant theme of most posts, primarily because of my love for such topics as well as the fact that the Fish Report itself features a sports theme. My wife dutifully reviews and proofreads each weekly blog and also offers input on the subject matter or adds commentary to the draft blog about her memories as well. Only once did she suggest I not publish a draft blog when the subject matter very briefly referenced an old girl friend. That memory and the blog about it all went poof! 

Not even one hit would have been possible had it not been for the efforts in 1969 by two professors, one from Stanford and the other from UCLA, who teamed together to create the first computer-to-computer communication network called ARPANET under a grant funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), a branch of the Defense Department of the US Government. By the 1980’s when I was appointed to the Stanford University Technical Advisory Committee by Ford CEO Don Petersen, a Stanford graduate, the famed university was actively developing the world wide web in partnership with a number of other universities. So it was really interesting to see first hand how the internet was developed and evolved from the inside. Look for a future blogpost about those early memories of the internet. 

Blog writing has been fun and hopefully entertaining to many of you. Now that I’m fully retired (thankfully a few months before Covid hit), the blog provides a creative outlet for my thoughts and ideas, without the stress of real work-related activity. A long list of potential topics still exists so for the foreseeable future, as long as Fish Report will have me, the blogs will keep coming. An archive of all the past 300+ blogs is provided at the bottom of each post, and is replicated below, so if a topic looks of interest, simply click on it and open the link to check it out. Surf away!


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