Tuesday, August 15, 2017

100th Blogpost - Dave’s Midwestern Ohio Memories

A Series of Guest Blogs by an out-of-state Fish Report reader originally from this area about fond memories of growing up in Midwestern Ohio during the 50’s & 60’s.

100th Blogpost

For years I've been an avid reader of Fish Report and would periodically comment about a historical article appearing on the website by sharing my recollections about the subject matter. After several such reflections, Fish Report asked me to consider writing a blogpost about my memories. I agreed, and the first post appeared about two years ago and weekly thereafter each Tuesday. That means this is about the 100th blogpost, give or take. Check them all out at this link.

If you clicked on the link and scrolled all the way to the bottom, you would notice a counter of the number of visitors to the blog site indicating about 65,000. When my first blog was posted, the counter read 15,000. So 50,000 clicks and two years later, here we are!

The blog that received by far the most hits was this March 7th post about WWII hero Vernie Hoying that's been read over 2,000 times! Of course, it helped that Fish Report ran the article as its cover headline that day indicating it would be the best article you’ll read in a while. Not sure which garnered the least hits, but my guess is it would be any blogs about the Michigan Wolverines!

Back two years ago, when considering whether to write the blog or not, I woke up early one morning around 4:00am and started jotting down possible topics for the blog. The list hit 20 ideas in about 5 minutes, proving there was enough subject matter to get started.

The weekly cadence every Tuesday fell into place since that day tended to be the slowest news day each week on the Fish Report. In other words, my blog has been fodder filler!

There are a few fans out there in cyberspace who routinely comment on the posts; many times offering the “rest of the story” or topics for future blogs. For that feedback, I’m grateful. And the Fish Report has been very helpful along the way with last minute edits, tweaks and refinements to make the post more accurate or entertaining. My wife does a great job proof-reading the column, keeping me from embarrassing myself too much! The most interesting part of the weekly routine is doing the research on the blog topic on-line. There’s always some nuance that surfaces to make the subject matter even more memorable. For example, while surfing the net for this blog about long-time SDN sport reporter, Zack Crusey I came upon a photo of his gravestone pictured below that I included in the blog. Amazing what you can find on the internet. 

My list of future blog topics is now up to 87, good for more than another year of posts. So keep checking in every Tuesday.


  1. Dave, we thoroughly enjoy them all. Thank you for taking the time to write them!

    Doug Borchers

  2. Thanks, Doug. Writing the blog is one of my favorite pastimes each week. Sometimes I get on a roll and am 2-3 weeks ahead, then others are crunched out a few hours before the Fish Report deadline!

  3. Dave,

    You may be getting more hits. Your Blog/column was mentioned this week at the Hoying Reunion. The 70th consecutive year for that event.

    Take Care,

    C. Hoying

    1. Thanks, Chuck. Sorry to have missed the reunion this year. Ironically, my very first Fish Report blogpost was about the Hoying reunion:

  4. Dave: Back when I managed the Russia Branch of the then Citizens Baughman National Bank, I wrote a weekly column in the VERSAILLES POLICY for about 5 years. Like you, I enjoyed doing it (most of the time). In those days, there was no e-mail so I had to meet the deadline (Saturday noon)in time to snail mail it over there. Most of the time, that worked OK but there were times that I would be extra busy so ended up writing the column on Friday night. That would mean I would have to drive it to Versailles on Saturday morning. The staff actually liked when that happened because I would normally stop at Brown's Sweet shop to pick up rolls for everybody. :-) You do a nice job. I enjoy reading your work. Denny York

    1. Denny, Didn't know you were fellow blogger. I'll have to search the archives of the Policy to check out your articles. Thanks for the feedback.

  5. Congrats on your 100th article!

  6. Dave, I, too, thoroughly enjoy reading your blogs. I especially like the ones about your in-laws and their family!
    Kay W

  7. Hi Dave, I always enjoy your articles. Some times I remember the story slightly different but your way usually adds some humor on the story. Keep it up and Congrats on your 100th blog. Your sister Lucy
