Zack Crusey - Speaking of Sports

Her concerns brought to mind a story told by my cousin, who played basketball for Anna back in the early 60’s. His mother (my aunt) worked as a housekeeper for Fr. (later Msgr.) Lehman at Holy Angels church in Sidney during the Great Depression. While working there in town, she would routinely run into Zack Crusey, who had attended Holy Angels high school and also was a junior sports writer for the Sidney Daily News. Zack was constantly asking my aunt to go on a date, but she never accepted, apparently because Zack was a tad shorter than she was!
My aunt eventually married a taller fellow from McCartyville and they had 7 boys, a bunch of six-footers who played basketball for Anna. And Zack Crusey became an award-winning sports writer, renowned for his familiar by-line Speaking of Sports. Zack was named to the Ohio Prep Sportswriters Hall of Fame in 2013. And similar to my mother-in-law, my cousins always complained about the lack of Anna sports coverage in the SDN, blaming Zack because way back when, he got stood up by their mother!
Zack died in 1977, after 46 years at the Sidney Daily News. He did marry a wonderful lady named Dorothy Yinger in 1937, who survived Zack by over 30 years. They had three children.
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