Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Spring Training - Dave's Midwestern Ohio Memories

Series of Guest Blogs by an out-of-state Fish Report reader originally from this area about fond memories of growing up in Midwestern Ohio during the 50’s & 60’s

Spring Training

Our son is visiting us in Florida for his birthday, which always coincides with the start of spring training. So a family tradition is to attend a Grapefruit League game. This year was no exception as we watched the Minnesota Twins play the Toronto Blue Jays on Sunday. The weather was perfect, we had great seats in the shade and saw a good game that ended in a tie 5-5. Spring training games apparently don’t go into extra innings. Another thing we learned is if the players number is over 50, he’s a rookie trying to make the team. As a result, I or my son hardly knew any of the players on either line-up.

With the start of baseball, I receive an email every morning from MLB with the latest news around the league that ends with a baseball trivia question like shown at this link. As a kid, I would have known all the answers, but not anymore. Back then literally all the players were familiar to me, but recognize there were a lot fewer teams, 16 then versus 30 now. Plus I had all their baseball cards. What fun it was trading cards with my friends, learning about all the players and most of all, playing the game pretending to be this player or that. Ted Kluszewski, the Reds big first baseman during the 50’s was my favorite. Here’s my previous blogpost about Big Klu.

The other day, I did run into a baseball trivia question that intrigued me, especially being an engineer. The following photo was shown and the location of the sign was asked. So to work I went trying to figure out the location. It was a fun exercise that perhaps you’ll enjoy. The answer will be provided next week. If you figure out the location, enter it in the comment section at the bottom of this blog. Good luck! I’ll give you a hint - it’s east of the Mississippi, south of the Mason-Dixon Line and a famous baseball movie was filmed there.


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